Striving for Excellence in Latin America

Legal Policies

Privacy Policy for ESTERN Medical Corporate Website

Commitment to the Protection of Personal Data

ESTERN Medical respects the privacy of all individuals who visit our website, and this policy is published in order to inform all visitors about the nature of our obligations to you and to describe the steps we take to ensure that individual privacy rights are protected.

You can navigate most of our website without giving us any personal information at all. However, sometimes we need additional information about you in order to provide the information or services you may request. If you do decide to disclose personal information to ESTERN Medical, this notice will explain our practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this policy easy to find, we make it available on every page of our website, particularly at every point where you may choose to provide us with personal data about yourself.

Data Collected

This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the ESTERN Medical website. We gather information in several ways: On some pages, you may choose to provide information about yourself if you are interested (1) in serving as an investigator in a clinical trial; (2) participating in a study as a study subject, or (3) in an employment opportunity at ESTERN Medical. The information requested from you will be based on your area of interest.

You can sign up to receive customized information about various topics. This information is generally collected on “Contact Us” forms where you can ask an ESTERN Medical representative to contact you in order to answer questions or provide specific information. The personal information you provide on these forms may include your name, title, company name, address, contact numbers, and email. However, generally, only your name and email are required in order to meet your request.


This website may use a technology called a “cookie,” which is a piece of information that our web server sends to your computer when you access a website. This enables our website to identify you if you return to our site. These cookies provide additional functionality to the site and help us accurately analyze site usage.

Note to Users of Broadband Services

This website may use your Internet Protocol (IP) Address which is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so you can access the Internet. Generally, an IP address changes each time you connect to the Internet (it is a “dynamic” address), but if you use a broadband connection to gain access to the Internet, you may have a static or fixed IP address. We may gather and store both dynamic and static IP Addresses, which may contain information that could be deemed data personal to you. We may use your IP address to report aggregate information on use and to help improve the website.

Children’s Privacy

ESTERN Medical website content and services are intended for users over the age of 18. The site is not designed to attract users under that age. If we learn that an under-18 user has volunteered personal or health-related information on our site, or that a provider has volunteered information about a patient who is identified as younger than 18, we will delete such information from our active databases to the extent described below.

Your Consent

The personal information collected when you register to receive information on an automated basis begins with your email address. If you choose to continue with your registration or choose to supply additional information, we will ask if you have read this policy, and whether you agree to its terms. If you do not agree, we may discontinue your ability to register to receive information or apply for a job. Each time you receive an automated email alert, you have the option of canceling your registration and removing your email address from the database by simply clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email alert message.

The Ways We May Use Your Data

Except as otherwise stated, we may use information collected from this site to improve the content of our site, to customize the site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you requested it), for our marketing and research purposes, and for any other purpose specified. In addition, we may make full use of all information acquired through this site that is not in personally identifiable form.

Storage (and Deletion) of your Data

We store the information you provide about yourself in a secure database(s) on servers, which are operated and maintained by ESTERN Medical. Website users should be aware that it is not technologically possible to remove from our servers each and every record of information you may have provided to us. The need to back up our systems to protect information from inadvertent loss means that a copy of data about you may exist in a non-erasable form that will be difficult or impossible for us to locate.

Nevertheless, we promise that upon receiving your request, we will delete all personal and/or health-related personal information stored in the database, which we actively use for research and daily business activities, or which are stored in other readily searchable media. The information you provide about yourself will be shared with ESTERN Medical employees to the extent necessary to answer your questions about ESTERN Medical or respond to your specific request. We will only disclose personal data to third parties who have agreed to protect your privacy in the same ways as we do, with your consent.

Note to Potential Investigators

If you submit your name as a potential investigator, we may assess your qualifications for such work by sending a questionnaire for you to complete, conducting an audit of your site, and gathering additional information about your practice. All of this information may become part of our database, and it may include our opinion or assessment of your qualifications to be an investigator. If you consent, we may share this data with our clients (sponsors of clinical studies) during the process of selecting clinical investigators for planned research. If you do not consent to this use of information about you, we will not keep your data in our database and will not consider you as a potential investigator.

Note to Job Applicants

If you intend to apply for a job with ESTERN Medical using our website, you will be asked to submit your resume or curriculum vitae and any other supporting documentation (i.e., cover letter, writing samples, etc.) to us. We process all applications using an external website host, which manages the information for ESTERN Medical. This host maintains a secure website, and access to the information stored there is limited to ESTERN Medical staff who are involved in the recruiting process, such as recruiters, human resource professionals, hiring managers, and potential colleagues.

We may assess your qualifications for such work and, with your consent, gather additional information about your work history. All of this information may become part of our database, and it may include our opinion or assessment of your qualifications to be employed by ESTERN Medical.


We will not use your personal data for purposes other than those you requested without providing you an opportunity to agree or refuse to allow such use.

There are some limited exceptions to this policy of non-disclosure of your personal data. We will only reveal your personal information with your consent, or if one of the following circumstances arises and that we find it necessary:

  1. To correct technical problems and malfunctions and
  2. To technically process your information
  3. To protect the security and integrity of our website
  4. To protect our rights and property and the rights and property of others
  5. To take precautions against liability
  6. To the extent required by law or to respond to judicial process
  7. To the extent permitted under other provisions
    of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an
    investigation on a matter related to public safety, as applicable.

Links to Other Websites

This site may contain links or references to other websites to which this Privacy Policy does not apply. We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy of every website you visit.

How We Store Personal Data Collected via this Website

All data gathered by ESTERN Medical via this website is stored on secure servers, accessible only by ESTERN Medical staff members or external hosts of servers engaged by ESTERN Medical for particular purposes. Access to these servers is controlled by unique IDs and passwords and access privileges are administered on a “need-to-know” basis. All staff are trained in methods that are used to maintain the privacy of the stored data and to prevent its loss, misuse, or unauthorized disclosure, destruction, or alteration. ESTERN Medical is committed to the maintenance of data integrity as well and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data we retain are reliable for their intended purpose and that the data are accurate and complete.

Access to Personal Data Collected via this Website.

Individuals who furnish their data to ESTERN Medical have the right to access the information we retain and to request corrections should inaccuracies be identified. ESTERN Medical is committed to addressing written requests from individuals, ensuring that the information is furnished in an easily comprehensible, timely, and cost-effective manner from the individual’s standpoint.

We kindly request that you submit your inquiry in writing, accompanied by a detailed explanation, and direct it to the ESTERN Medical Privacy Officer. Your request can be sent to the following postal address: 955 Massachusetts Avenue, No. 203, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

US, EU & LATAM Safe Harbor

ESTERN Medical is committed to adhering to the US, EU, and LATAM Safe Harbor principles, which apply to the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the United States and Latin America.

Enforcement of ESTERN Medical Standards

ESTERN Medical is committed to compliance with the standards and principles set out in this policy. If you are concerned that we have violated your privacy rights or disagree with a decision that we made about access to your protected health information, you may contact our Privacy Office at:

ESTERN Medical, Privacy Officer at 955 Massachusetts Ave. No. 203 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

Changes to this Privacy Policy

If this Privacy Policy changes, the revised policy will be posted on this site. Please check back periodically, especially before you provide any personally identifiable information.

This Policy was last updated on June 25, 2024. We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our privacy policy to ensure the ongoing protection of your personal data. Please revisit this page periodically, especially before providing any personally identifiable information.