An Interview with Dr. Jorge Estrella, at the Lifescience Canada Innovation 2019 meeting.

ESTERN Medical CRO Dr. Jorge Estrella, President & Chief Medical Officer had the opportunity to be interviewed at Innovate Canada 2019 Lifesciences meeting in past days.

ESTERN Medical CRO Dr. Jorge Estrella, President & Chief Medical Officer had the opportunity to be interviewed at Innovate Canada 2019 Lifesciences meeting in past days.

Dr. Estrella has mention that this meeting was an interesting, unique Lifescience conference. Very well structure & run and made exclusively for Senior “C” Level executives.

When ESTERN is considering an investment or R&D business Lifesciences opportunity there is an overwhelming amount of opportunities to uncover in the Canadian, Pharma, Biotech & Medtech, health and clinical scientific market location.

During this meeting our management understood how business is driven in this geographic region. We do envision several business opportunities for our company clinical R&D pipelines that will be materializing.

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